Madison-based Rural Mutual Insurance Company has been named to the Ward’s 50® list of top performing property and casualty insurance companies, marking the 15th consecutive year the company has been recognized for this award. Ward Group analyzes the financial performance of over 2,900 property and casualty insurance companies in the United States annually and identifies the top performers in each segment based on objective data and subjective quality measures.
In selecting the Ward’s 50, companies are identified that pass financial stability requirements and measure their ability to grow while maintaining strong capital positions and underwriting results. Each Ward’s 50 company has passed all safety and consistency screens and achieved superior performance over the five previous years analyzed. The top 50 companies are awarded the Ward’s 50 seal and their names are listed as the Ward’s 50 top performers for the year.
“Not only is this a special recognition due to it being awarded for 15 years in a row, but it is particularly satisfying to earn this recognition during a very difficult year for both Rural Mutual and the property and casualty industry as a whole.” says Dan Merk, executive vice president and CEO. “Wisconsin is a great home for quality property and casualty insurance companies, which means we have stiff competition. Earning this award amid an excellent group of quality competitors is something we’re very proud of.”
Merk notes that this recognition reinforces Rural Mutual’s promise that when a claim happens, they have the financial stability to help their insureds rebuild following times of unintended financial loss.
Rural Mutual has protected Wisconsin farmers, families and business owners since 1934. The company does business in only one state, so premiums paid here, stay here to keep Wisconsin strong.