Car Insurance From a Company that Knows Wisconsin When you have car insurance from Rural Mutual, you know you’re getting coverage from a company rooted in Wisconsin traditions. We understand car insurance can be complicated. Our agents will work with you to develop a personalized auto insurance policy to help you decide on the best option. Get a Quote Find an Agent Coverage for cars, motorcycles and more Bodily Injury Liability Coverage If you cause a car accident that injures someone, this helps cover injuries and protects you from any financial burden. Property Damage Liability Coverage If you’re responsible for an accident, this covers the cost of damages you unintentionally cause to someone else’s property. Comprehensive Coverage This covers situations other than an accident, like vandalism, hail, fire, deer hit, and theft. Collision Coverage This helps you repair or replace your vehicle if you collide with another vehicle or object. Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Protection This covers damages for injuries you may suffer if you’re in an accident with an uninsured driver who is at fault and doesn’t have coverage or enough insurance. Medical Expense Coverage If you or an insured passenger are hurt in an accident, this could cover medical or funeral expenses. Rental Reimbursement Coverage While your car is in the shop getting repaired due to a covered cause of loss, your rental car costs could be covered up to a stated amount. Policy Discounts Multi-Vehicle Have more than one vehicle in your household? Receive a multi-vehicle discount. Home/Auto Bundle Bundle and save! Purchase a home insurance policy with your auto policy to earn discounts. Good Student Getting good grades? Get rewarded for your hard work. Claims Free Been a while since your last claim? Receive a discount for staying safe! Farm/Auto Bundle Are you a new farm and personal auto insurance customer? Get a discount for bundling policies. Pay Plan Discount Get a discount if you pay your premium every six months. Start My Quote Auto Insurance Insights Defensive driving and why it’s importantImagine you’re driving east along Highway 10 on your way to the… Learn More > Defensive driving and why it’s important Break these bad driving habitsFrom congested interstate traffic in Milwaukee and the Fox Valley to country… Learn More > Break these bad driving habits What happens when your car is totaled?Imagine you pull up to a red light at a T-intersection in… Learn More > What happens when your car is totaled? Is it expensive to insure a convertible?You’ve always wanted a convertible. You know most convertibles aren’t cheap, but… Learn More > Is it expensive to insure a convertible? Hail damage – what to look for and how to file a claimSeptember 7, 2021. If you live in Appleton, Fond du Lac, or… Learn More > Hail damage – what to look for and how to file a claim What is uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage?You might see uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage on your car insurance… Learn More > What is uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage? Products & Services Farm Business Auto Home Renters All Products